Advanced Email Security

Secure your


of breaches are through phishing attacks


suspicious emails & URLs reported daily

- The sixth annual report from Active Cyber Defence (ACD)

Contact us to find out more about email security

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Product you are interested in?

Block threats with real-time scanning of every single email

No email goes unscanned. Every single email that attempts to reach your employee inboxes will go through automatic, vigorous scanning to keep your business secure.

Detect and protect against emails containing malicious content

Every embedded file and URL will be unpacked and analysed individually. This is done using both static and dynamic detection engines, ensuring we detect concealed material.

Stop phishing

Automatically block phishing attempts using machine learning, URL reputation checks and signature-based detection. This will massively lower your cyber security risk profile, as phishing is the most common form of attack.

Integrate with any type of mailbox

As our email security solution is cloud-based, it works with any type of mailbox, ensuring speed, efficiency and effectiveness.
CyberSafe Next-Generation Advanced Email Security - Feature Comparison
Melius CyberSafe Traditional Email Security
Detection accuracy Best-in-class Below average
Level of analysis CPU Application
Detection speed of APT module <30 sec 5 - 20 min
URL filtering Best-in-class Average
Anti-evasion (detection of embedded malicious files and URLs) Best-in-class Below average
Detection of zero-days Best-in-class Limited
Prevention of APTs
Incident response service
Real-time 100% scanning of traffic
Service consultation - integrated data protection, cyber security, and management platform

Intercept email attacks immediately

Protection from any type of email threat:

  • Malware
  • Account takeover (ATO)
  • Business email compromise (BEC)
  • Advanced persistent threats (APTs)
  • Spam
  • Spoofing

Why Do I Need Email Security?

Most cyber threats to your business are going to arrive by email. Without actively scanning each email that comes through, the chance of one of your employees opening a malicious email is high.

Your employees are your weakest layer of cyber security, so you need to put measures in place to protect yourself from potentially devastating cyber attacks.

Benefits of CyberSafe Email Security

• Protection against targeted phishing attacks and email fraud.

• Stop ransomware and zero-day malware before they reach your inbox.

• Protect your team from clicking on malicious links across any device with URL protection.

• Block emerging threats with real-time threat intelligence.

• See immediate productivity improvement with spam control.

• Ensure emails are always delivered and productivity is not impacted.

• Stop spoofing and BEC attempts targeting your business.

• Prevent account takeover attempts and monitor internal mailboxes for signs of compromise.

• Restrict certain file types from inbound emails.

• Scan Microsoft 365 outbound emails.

Don't wait to discover vulnerabilities, stay proactive with Cyber Safe’s continuous monitoring.

Cyber Safe offers year-round visibility enabling immediate action and risk