Cloud Penetration Testing

Upgrade your cyber defences and stay ahead with state-of-the-art penetration testing.

What is a cloud penetration test?

A cloud penetration test involves ethical hackers simulating cyberattacks against cloud-based applications and infrastructure. Its goal is to proactively identify security flaws, assess risks, and provide actionable remediation plans. Evaluating cloud security differs significantly from assessing traditional data centres, and requires expert knowledge.

We specialise in penetration testing Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, but can offer testing for all cloud platforms.

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How Does a Pen Test Work?

The Melius Cyber team are well-versed in assessing risks within cloud platforms. We will expertly perform a simulated cyber-attack targeting your cloud application or infrastructure.

The attack methods used by our team are the same as those used by real-world hackers, ensuring authentic results.

After identifying vulnerabilities, we create a personalised report for you that details each weak point, the associated risks, and suggested remediation methods.

Black Box, Grey Box, and White Box Testing

Black box testing: this refers to a penetration test in which the tester has zero internal knowledge of the target system. This is the most accurate approach in terms of simulating a true cyber attack. However, this approach is extremely time-consuming and therefore many areas of the target could go untested.

White box testing: in this type of test, our team will have full access to the target. The tester will be given all knowledge that is available surrounding the target, including credentials and source code.

Grey box testing: this refers to when the pen tester has some level of knowledge, access, or privileges in the target system. This approach ensures that users must have the correct level of authorisation to perform certain functions.

Why Do I Need a Cloud Pen Test?

A majority of businesses utilise cloud computing or hosting services. Ensuring the security of these services is the responsibility of the user, not the hosting provider. If your AWS server gets hacked, you cannot point the finger at Amazon.

Your cloud platform likely holds sensitive data. Perhaps even critical infrastructure is hosted on your AWS server, on Microsoft Azure, or on Google Cloud. Testing the security of these platforms is just as, if not more, important as testing the security of your infrastructure and endpoints.

Stages of Penetration Testing

1.      Gathering Information

The team gathers as much data about your infrastructure and your devices as possible. This is often referred to as the “reconnaissance” stage.

2.      Enumeration

The Melius Cyber team uses various tools and manual methods to identify weaknesses. Pen testers can choose from a range of tools, but we have the benefit of access to CyberSafe, our own scanning and monitoring platform, which speeds up this part of the process.

This stage maps out the business’ digital infrastructure, making the next stage possible.

3.      Vulnerability Assessment

We use all the data that we have gathered on the system to assess the vulnerabilities that have been found.

We determine the risk of each vulnerability and decide which ones are exploitable.

4.      Exploitation

Using industry best practice techniques, the team exploit the identified vulnerabilities to understand how easily a hacker may take advantage of them and damage your business.

5.      Reporting

Gathering all the information and insight found, we collate a detailed pen test report providing insight understanding, risk scoring and remediation guidance to put the issues right.

How Can CyberSafe Supercharge My Pen Test?

  • Speeds up initial pen test.

  • Speeds up remediation.

  • Removes the need for rescans.

  • Constant visibility of vulnerabilities.

  • Expert support year-round.

Don't wait to discover vulnerabilities, stay proactive with Cyber Safe’s continuous monitoring.

Cyber Safe offers year-round visibility enabling immediate action and risk