Complaints Policy


Melius Cyber operates a Quality Management System and is ISO9001 accredited.  As such, we aim always to deliver excellent customer service.  We hope that our customers and business partners need never have cause for concern.  However, should they feel this is not the case, then this procedure outlines how to approach us to seek resolution.

We view any complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve for the future.  More importantly, it also gives us the chance to put things right for the complainant.



  • To provide a fair complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint.

  • To publicise the existence of our complaints procedure so that people know how to contact us to make a complaint.

  • To make sure everyone at Melius Cyber knows what to do if a complaint is received.

  • To make sure all complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way.

  • To make sure that complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and that relationships remain sound.

  • To gather information which helps us to improve what we do.


Definition of a Complaint

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not, about any aspect of Melius Cyber and its service delivery.


Where Complaints Come From

Complaints may come from any individual or organisation who has a legitimate interest in Melius Cyber.  A complaint can be received either by email or posted letter.  This policy does not cover complaints from staff, who should refer to Melius Cyber’s internal grievance policy.



All complaint information will be handled sensitively, telling only those who need to know and following any relevant data protection requirements.


Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the board of Melius Cyber.


Complaints Procedure of Melius Cyber

The complainant should specify the areas they feel are unsatisfactory and send to:

By post:


Tracy Edwards

Melius Cyber

Hadrian House

Beaminster Way East

Newcastle upon Tyne




By email to:

Please also include:

Complainant’s name

Company name

Email address

Telephone number

Specify the nature of the complainants relationship to Melius Cyber i.e. customer, supplier, partner.


Receiving Complaints

On receipt of a complaint, Melius Cyber will provide an acknowledgement to the complaint within 5 working days.  It will then undertake a full investigation and aim to provide a full resolution within 15 working days.  Where we are not able to resolve the complaint within 15 working days the complainant will be given an update on progress.


Resolving Complaints

Stage One

On receipt of a complaint, it is logged and investigated.  In many cases, a complaint is best resolved by the person responsible for the issue being complained about. Often the issue can be resolved swiftly and where appropriate this will be the first step in the process.

If the complaint relates to a specific employee of Melius Cyber, they will be informed and given a fair opportunity to respond.

Stage Two

If the complainant feels that the problem has not been satisfactorily resolved at Stage One, they can request that the complaint is reviewed at Director level.

At this stage, the complaint will be escalated to the Melius Cyber Directors with the aim to agree a satisfactory agreement within 5 working days.


The Directors may investigate the facts of the case themselves or delegate a suitably senior person to do so. This may involve reviewing the paperwork of the case and speaking with the person who dealt with the complaint at Stage One. The person who dealt with the original complaint at Stage One will also be kept informed of what is happening.


If the complaint relates to a specific person, they will be notified and given a further opportunity to respond.

Whether the complaint is upheld or not, Melius Cyber will provide a written response to the complaint outlining the actions taken to investigate the complaint and the conclusion. 

The decision taken at this stage is final.


Where the topic of the complaint is covered by our Terms & Conditions, the Clauses within the Terms & Conditions take precedence.


Monitoring and Learning from Complaints

Complaints are held for a period of 12 months and reviewed annually to identify any trends which may indicate a need to take further action.  After this period all records of complaints are deleted as appropriate.