procedural testing

Cyber Safe will help you make sure that your organisation’s processes are set up to reduce the risk of cyber attacks, and to respond quickly and effectively if a breach occurs.

What is corporate procedural testing?

Your company’s processes can play an important role in determining how secure your company is. This means that poorly organised IT and security processes could be putting your data and systems at risk.

Corporate procedural testing involves bringing in trusted professionals to analyse your processes, and point out ways that they could be improved. This could include pointing out weak spots, and advising on ways that you could better respond to issues and gather evidence.

Why invest in corporate procedural testing?

Many companies do not find out how effective their cyber safety processes are until they’ve fallen victim to an attack. At that point, it’s often too late.

Our corporate procedural testing service will enable you to:
  • Spot processes that could slow down or obstruct your response to a breach
  • Identify processes that put your organisation at greater risk
  • Devise a plan to protect your company, and respond quickly to threats
  • Gather all necessary information and evidence in the event of an incident

Book a free consultation with a Cyber Safe expert

Our experts can discuss penetration testing, web or mobile application pen testing, continuous protection, and all levels of certification.

Contact our cyber team to discuss any and all of your cyber needs.
Fill in the form below and one of the Cyber Safe experts will be in touch.