Incident response

Smart organisations don’t just try to protect themselves against threats. They also recognise that breaches can happen.

By working with us to devise the right response to a range of incidents, you can put processes in place that help you to deal with breaches confidently and quickly.

What is incident response?

An organisation with strong incident response processes is able to react quickly to breaches. This can sometimes be the difference between limited damage, and an incident which exposes your business to data loss, system disruption, and loss of customer and client trust.

Why invest in incident response?

Cyber Safe goes further than just identifying threats. It also helps you respond when an incident occurs.

Our incident response service allows you to:
  • Prepare procedures for minimising the impact of breaches
  • Quickly identify when breaches have occurred
  • Contain and thwart attackers
  • Recover and restore your systems
  • Identify how breaches occurred and ensure they don’t happen again

Book a free consultation with a Cyber Safe expert

Our experts can discuss penetration testing, web or mobile application pen testing, continuous protection, and all levels of certification.

Contact our cyber team to discuss any and all of your cyber needs.
Fill in the form below and one of the Cyber Safe experts will be in touch.